Selected Journal Publications
Nazari, F., Mohammadian, A. (2023) Modeling vehicle-miles of travel accounting for latent heterogeneity. Transport Policy 133, 45-53.
Nazari, F., Noruzoliaee, M., Mohammadian, A. (2023) Electric vehicle adoption behavior and vehicle transaction decision: Estimating an integrated choice model with latent variables on a retrospective vehicle survey. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1-20.
Nazari, F., Noruzoliaee, M., Mohammadian, A. Behavioral acceptance of automated vehicles: The roles of perceived safety concern and current travel behavior.
Nazari, F., Mohammadian, A., Stephens, T. Exploring the role of perceived range anxiety in adoption behavior of plug-in electric vehicles.
Nazari, F., Soto, Y.*, Noruzoliaee, M. Privately-owned versus shared automated vehicle: The roles of utilitarian and hedonic beliefs.
Nazari, F., Rahimi, E., Mohammadian, A. (2019) Simultaneous estimation of battery electric vehicle adoption with endogenous willingness to pay. eTransportation, 100008.
Nazari, F., Mohammadian, A., Stephens, T. (2019) Modeling electric vehicle adoption considering a latent travel pattern construct and charging infrastructure. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 72C, 65-82.
Nazari, F., Noruzoliaee, M., Mohammadian, A. (2018) Shared versus private mobility: Modeling public interest in autonomous vehicles accounting for latent attitudes. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 97, 456-477.
Nazari, F., Mohammadian, A., Stephens, T. (2018) Dynamic household vehicle decision modeling with consideration of electric vehicles. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1-10.
Nazari, F., Noruzoliaee, M., Zou, B., Mohammadian, A. (2017) Optimal facility-specific inspection and maintenance decisions under measurement uncertainty: Unifying framework. Journal of Infrastructure Systems 23(4), 04017036.
Nazari, F., Seyedabrishami, S., Mamdoohi, A. (2015) A Direct demand model of departure time and mode for intercity passenger trips. International Journal of Transportation Engineering 3(2), 125-141.
Mamdoohi, A., Nazari, F., Noruzoliaee, M. (2014) An investigation of human factors impact on Tehran urban crash severity. Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering 2(2), 100-103.
Selected Conference Publications/Presentations
Nazari, F., Noruzoliaee, M. (2024) Willingness-to-pay for flying taxi in the city of Chicago. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 103rd Annual Meeting, January 7-11, Washington, D.C.
Nazari, F., Noruzoliaee, M., Mohammadian, A. (2023) Electric vehicle adoption behavior and vehicle transaction decision: Estimating an integrated choice model with latent variables on a retrospective vehicle survey. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 102nd Annual Meeting, January 8-12, Washington, D.C.
Hernandez, M., Noruzoliaee, M., Nazari, F. (2022) Data-driven multi-horizon prediction of ridesharing spatiotemporal demand pattern. INFORMS Annual Meeting, October 16-19, Indianapolis, IN.
Masud, S., Noruzoliaee, M., Nazari, F. (2022) A data-driven time headway model using vehicular trajectories and deep learning. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 101st Annual Meeting, January 9-13, Washington, D.C.
Nazari, F., Mohammadian, A., Stephens, T. (2020) Adoption of added and traded plug-in electric vehicles with an emphasis on the role of charging equipment and perceptual concerns. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 99th Annual Meeting, January 12-16, Washington, D.C.
Nazari, F., Noruzoliaee, M., Mohammadian, A. (2019) Adoption of autonomous vehicles with endogenous safety concerns: A recursive bivariate ordered probit model. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting, January 13-17, Washington, D.C.
Nazari, F., Mohammadian, A., Derrible, S. (2018) Interaction between energy/water consumption and travel decisions in an activity-based framework. 15th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research (IATBR), July 15-20, Santa Barbara, California.
Nazari, F., Mohammadian, A., Stephens, T. (2018) Investigating the impacts of mobility-on-demand services and green lifestyle on vehicle transaction decisions: a behavioral choice model with latent variables. 15th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research (IATBR), July 15-20, Santa Barbara, California.
Nazari, F., Mohammadian, A., Stephens, T. (2018) Dynamic household vehicle decision modeling with consideration of electric vehicles. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 97th Annual Meeting, January 7-11, Washington, D.C.
Nazari, F., Noruzoliaee, M., Mohammadian, A. (2018) Shared mobility versus private car ownership: A multivariate analysis of public interest in autonomous vehicles. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 97th Annual Meeting, January 7-11, Washington, D.C.
Nazari, F. and Mohammadian, A. (2016) An activity-based model of energy consumption. Accepted at Behavior, Energy, and Climate Change Conference, Baltimore, Maryland.
Karimi, B., Nazari, F., Javanmardi, M., Mohammadian, A. (2015) Does using a different decision rule of discrete choice change the dependence structure between discrete decision and continuous outcome? 4th International Choice Modeling Conference (ICMC), May 10-13, Austin, Texas.
Mamdoohi, A., Nazari, F., Noruzoliaee, M. (2014) An investigation of human factors impacts on Tehran urban crash severity. 3rd International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering (ICTTE). April 17-18, Lisbon, Portugal.
Mamdoohi, A., Noruzoliaee, M., Nazari, F. (2013) Modeling road network links effectiveness based on their systems role in case of disasters. Australian Transportation Research Forum, January, Brisbane, Australia.